
With rising sea levels threatening billions and many cities by 2050, sustainable solutions on water are crucial. HyperCay, evolving from MORPHotel, is a modular floating structure designed to address these challenges. It has garnered global media attention, including from The Times, CNN, and Designboom. HyperCay features a flexible, spine-like design with adaptable modules. Central areas offer common facilities, while detachable suites allow exploration. It blends luxury and cruise experiences, operating as a self-sufficient ecosystem powered by renewable energy and supporting local communities.

HYPERCay started as a response to the urgent need to develop sustainable living solutions on water. Due to rising sea levels, 1 billion people in 150 of the most populated cities globally are now threatened to lose their habitat by 2050. The project builds on the foundations of MORPHotel, an earlier concept for a floating luxury hotel structure, which gained international attention of leading global media outlets, such as:

A core team has been brought together combining expertise in strategy, design, innovation and business development in order to develop the vision further. HYPERCay (HC) is a pioneering concept in sustainable sea travel designed to push the limits of self-sufficient traveling and living on water. Moving slowly through the sea, HC offers visitors a customizable experience to deeply and independently explore the natural surroundings along the journey. This is made possible thanks to HC's unique architectural design that features a core body and detachable explorer units for guests.

Hyper-Journey : Unlike traditional cruises, where passengers have to join and disembark at fixed points, HC passengers can join at any point along the ever-moving/changing itinerary. While the central body provides spaces and facilities for dining, entertainment, and social interaction, private detachable explore units at each guest room allow travelers to explore the surrounding environment.

Functional program
The Visitor will enter the hotel through the main “vertebra” – where all the reception, administration and catering services are located – the guests will reach the services offered by this structure, which are located along the central axis of the structure (this consists in a covered “linear park” that serves as a connection between the different sectors).

The two ends of the structure will contain the hotel rooms; these are conceived as capsules attached to the organism’s spine that will have varying degrees of luxury and comfort: from glass room located at the water level, to luxury rooms that function as independent boats that can leave the main structure and sail within a fixed range established for security reasons; passengers will be free to explore the areas that HYPERcay will cross during its perpetual and slow movement across the world.

With this in mind we developed HyperCay, a pioneering concept in sustainable sea travel designed to push the extremes of a self-sufficient community on water while developing key technologies to take on the global issue at hand. This project tries to fill the gap between luxury hotels and cruise ships. The rooms are like a series of yachts, giving the guests the freedom to explore their surroundings while the main body of the structure moves slowly through the sea.

Its “Vertebral Spine Structure” is capable of changing shape in order to adapt to environmental and climatic conditions as well as navigate narrow channels. Using hydraulic pistons HC changes its shape to adapt to the geographical and weather conditions.

Unlike traditional cruises, where passengers have to join and disembark at fixed points, with HYPERcay passengers can join at any point along the ever moving/changing itinerary. The central pods will provide space and facilities for guests to eat be entertained and interact, while the private movable capsules provide guests with the opportunity to explore the surrounding environment.

HC can be considered a self-sufficient artificial ecosystem powered by renewable energy with, at its core a mangrove garden: a nursery for animals and plants. All aspects of HYPERcay work with local communities to nurture and support the environment and the local economy.
Project developed in collaboration with: Margherita Filpi, Peter Kwong, Harry Hallart, Matteo Bianciotto, Raffaella
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